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Why You Need to Upgrade to Windows Server 2012 R2 Now

As of July 14, 2015, Microsoft will no longer be offering security updates for Windows Server 2003. This means that if your business is one of the many still using systems that run Windows Server 2003, you need to start considering a migration plan as soon as possible. With the end-of-support date just a few short months away, you haven't got a moment to lose.

In this post, we'll briefly touch on the consequences of failing to migrate before the end-of-support date, and then spend some time talking about the advantages of upgrading to Windows Server 2012 R2.

Why You Need to Upgrade to Windows 2012

What Windows Server 2003 end of support means for you

Once Microsoft pulls its support for Windows Server 2003, it means that the company will no longer provide updates or security patches for the operating system. Organizations that are still running Windows Server 2003 after July 14 will be completely responsible for ensuring the stability and security of their own IT infrastructures, there are numerous reasons why upgrading to a newer operating system would make more sense.

Systems still running Windows Server 2003 after end of support will instantly become vulnerable to attack. In order to keep running a server on 2003 after the deadline, organizations would have to manually add protection to the server, in the form of intrusion detection systems, network segmentation, and advanced firewalls. In addition to the time and hassle required to perform these additional steps, there are also the high costs: David Mayer, Practice Director of Microsoft Solutions for Insight Enterprises, said in a Q&A that organizations that choose not to migrate away from Windows Server 2003 should expect to pay an additional $1,500 a year per server to provide the needed level of extra protection.

In addition, there's also the lack of updates to consider. As critical bugs and performance issues arise in Windows Server 2003, they will simply remain unaddressed. This means that your organization will likely have to continue dealing with a variety of security and performance issues for as long as you continue to use 2003.

Finally, continuing to use Windows Server 2003 could lead to compliance issues. Industry regulations set standards which usually require businesses to run on supported platforms. Failing to do so could result in lost business, as well as high non-compliance fees.

The alternative: Windows Server 2012 R2

Instead of looking at end of support as a problem to be avoided, savvy IT organizations will see it as an opportunity to start taking advantage of a newer and more advanced offering from Microsoft. Organizations that make the upgrade now will be able to enjoy the many benefits of Windows Server 2012 R2, including:

  • Storage tiering: By automatically moving data back and forth between different classes of storage as needed, you can run the most efficient storage environment possible. This capability has existed in advanced storage systems before, but this is the first time it's been available at the OS level.
  • Workplace join: This feature recognizes the growing importance of BYOD policies and mobile devices in the workplace: users can register their personal devices and gain access to enterprise applications and data.

Take the next step

If you know that you need to start working on a migration plan soon, but aren't sure where to get started, the professionals at Aventis Systems can help. We can offer you all of the Microsoft solutions you need, and help you execute a streamlined migration process. Contact us today to learn more.

Check out our on-demand webinar "Keen Insight into Server 2012 R2" or browse the slides below for a fun and quick feature spotlight.