Home > 10 Signs It's Time to Upgrade Your Hardware

10 Signs It's Time to Upgrade Your Hardware

Did you know that about 70 percent of all businesses run on outdated hardware? Your business may be part of that number without you even realizing it. If your hardware is out of date, you may be putting your business at a disadvantage. Fortunately, quick and convenient upgrade options are available to get you back on the right track.

Take a look at the tips provided below to find out if it may be time for you to upgrade.

SMB IT Security

1. If you don’t know when you bought it

The logic here is simple: buying hardware is usually something that would stick out in most IT leaders’ minds. If you can’t even remember when you bought yours, that means it’s most likely been at least a few years. Chances are very good that you’re overdue for an upgrade.

2. If the application has been upgraded more than twice since you last upgraded your hardware

Upgrades are intended to prolong the life of the applications you use, but that doesn’t mean you should count on being able to run those upgraded applications on the same old hardware forever. Two rounds of upgrades are about as long as you should wait between updating your hardware.

3. If the sound of your computer starting up reminds you of your great uncle’s hacking cough

Computers get old just like people do, and although we may be attached to them, we can’t hold on forever. If your computer makes a whirring, groaning racket every time you start it up, it may be time to put it out to pasture.

4. If you spend more time maintaining your hardware than it’s worth

Some people put off hardware upgrades for financial reasons, but putting off an upgrade may be costing you more than you realize, if you constantly have to make repairs. In fact, upgrading to the newest hardware all at once can be cheap and easy by comparison.

5. If you have no warranty or support

Operating without warranty or support for your hardware is like a trapeze artist performing without a safety net: you just may be able get by without it, but things sure aren’t going to be pretty if you need it and it’s not there. Upgrading now is the best way to make sure you get the support you need.

6. If your system crashes more often than a NASCAR race

Here’s something to consider: if your computer is down, you aren’t getting any work done. (What a concept!) Upgrading your hardware may send you offline for a short while, but it’s a small price to pay when you compare it to multiple crashes spread over time.

7. If the system has already been upgraded with additional RAM or hard drives

Adding on bits and pieces to your machine can be a successful strategy for a while, but eventually, it makes more sense to just upgrade the entire system at once.

8. If your software is end-of-life

If your software vendor pulls its support, you need to upgrade now. Without software support, patches, and security updates, your business falls victim to security vulnerabilities and becomes a prime target for hackers.

9. If it is an eyesore in your office

Your mama always said that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. And while this may be true with people, it is not always true with IT equipment. If your desktop or server looks like it is from the 1980s or has multiple, glaring blemishes, it may be time to replace. This especially true for businesses who have frequent visits from clients or investors. You do not want your equipment to cause them not to trust you to get the work done.

10. If your hardware no longer supports your business needs

Simply put, your hardware is a tool you use to get a job done. If it's no longer capable of getting the job done, you need to replace it with something that can.

If you're confused about the best way to approach a hardware upgrade, working with an experienced IT partner may help.