Home > Small Business Recruiting Tips for an Improving Economy - Part II

Small Business Recruiting Tips for an Improving Economy - Part II

by Hesam Lamei

In my last blog I discussed my top two tips for small businesses recruiting in an improving economy. These included #1: Learning to Compete with the Big Boys and #2: Being Prepared and Patient. I have three more tips I’d like to share.

#3 Search from Within

Referrals are key when it comes to winning over candidates. Try looking for help from within the company. Some of my best talent finds of late have been referrals from existing employees. Ask your employees if they know of anyone qualified that would be good for a particular job opening. Having current employees sell the company is way more powerful than anything we as top management could say to convince candidates to sign the offer. They know the culture and understand the benefits of the organization as well as the valuable experience they are receiving. Due to recent referral success, we have implemented referral bonuses for key positions within the organization.

#4 Look for Strategic Partnerships

One of the things we do at Aventis Systems is team up with local colleges and universities. We have firmly planted roots in one particular local technical university that has been a fantastic partnership. We conduct career fairs, help students improve their resumes, and even assist them in looking for positions in the industry. What is our benefit? We meet lots of exciting job candidates. Plus in this particular case, many of the students have tangible work experience and are retooling, changing careers, or increasing their skill set, offering us access to a very unique talent pool.

#5 Retain & Develop Existing Talent Resources

Remember to exercise good, old investment in professional development! Spend time with employees you do have and make sure they are learning, growing, and are able to contribute their skills to helping the organization. Help them become more proficient and productive. I make it a priority to have a culture that attracts good talent and embodies the type of climate and workplace where my employees want to work. Small business culture is and can be very appealing. Plenty of people don't want to work for large enterprises or go back to the "rat race." Many people want to make a difference and small business is the place to do it.

We are entering a new era where talent pools are in short supply. A lot of companies are more focused on U.S. jobs, and the requirements for technical prospects are very high. The key to successful recruiting is selling the strengths of your organization and focusing on networking and partnerships that will align you with the top talent in your area. As I have said before, there is great talent out there; you just need to find it and sell them on the fact that your company is the best place for them to grow and develop.

I've found that the key to successful recruiting is selling the strengths of your organization, retaining and developing your existing talent, and finally focusing on networking and partnerships that will align your organization with the top talent in your area.