Home > Aventis Systems Whitepaper Addresses How Flash Has Taken Over The Storage Industry

Aventis Systems Whitepaper Addresses How Flash Has Taken Over The Storage Industry

The Adventures of Flash

May 1, 2019 Aventis Systems, Inc., a leading provider of information technology hardware, software and services, announced the release of a whitepaper: "The Adventures of Flash: How the Mild Mannered SSD Became the Superhero of Storage” which chronicles the evolution of flash for data storage in an entertaining comic book style.

In the past, small businesses relied on hard drives for their storage capabilities as it was the primary option. Although cost-effective, hard drives often proved themselves unreliable with sudden crashes resulting in data loss which can be fatal to SMBs. As companies began to develop different storage needs and the technology began to rapidly advance, flash was born.

At the beginning of Flash’s Adventure into the IT world, teams were wary to adopt the technology as it was not as cost-effective as hard drives. When evaluating in comparison, flash is 3 times the cost of hard drives. On the other hand, a hard drive’s failure rate is significantly higher than flash. Hard drives can not indicate when they are going to fail, and when they do, you will deal with significant downtime and trying to find the budget to allocate towards labor and a replacement drive. That being said, decision makers are too focused on the initial acquisition costs of data storage devices leading them to normally choose hard drives over flash. But due to the higher ongoing costs to maintain hard drives, often the acquisition costs and added benefits of flash is proven in the ROI and total cost of ownership.

“For businesses to survive in this data critical landscape decision makers need to understand that flash storage provides more value than HDDs,” said Hesam Lamei, Founder and CEO of Aventis Systems. “In addition to lower cost of maintenance and failure rates, flash is over five times faster than HDDs which results in significantly reduced storage requirements and higher reliability. But the biggest piece of value that comes from flash adoption is the reduction of the total cost of ownership through flash’s lifespan of lower power usage, cooling, and rack space. With these added benefits, over time, flash not as expensive as you may think.”

The paper, written by Aventis Systems narrates the evolution of flash as it becomes a rival in the storage game against hard drives. It identifies the differences of usage between hard drives and flash and explains ultimately how flash, in true superhero fashion, saves the day for IT teams like yours.


About Aventis Systems
Aventis Systems, Inc. offers custom IT solutions for building and operating complete and virtual infrastructures. The comprehensive solutions include high-quality refurbished and new hardware, system and application software, and an array of in-depth managed services including infrastructure consultation, cloud hosting and migration, virtualization deployment, data and disaster recovery, security consultation, hardware relocation and equipment buyback. AventisSystems goes above and beyond other value-added resellers because they "Get IT Done."

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