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Why the Hybrid IT Model is the Best Solution for Education Technology Requirements

Education technology leaders face unique challenges when trying to meet their requirements, satisfy stakeholders, and stay within limited budgets. In addition to wanting stakeholder satisfaction from students, faculty, and administrators, education technology leaders also want best in breed technologies, superior performance, maximum uptime, and return on investment for IT spend. Read on to learn how the hybrid IT model allows education organizations to meet these complex requirements by taking advantage of both on-premise and cloud models.

The on-premise model has numerous benefits. First and foremost, on-premise infrastructure is safe and secure from public cloud hacks which have been reported in the news over the past few years. With on-premise environments, you have reliability and control because your team manages the infrastructure. Additionally, using local data and applications allows on-premise systems to be free from cloud-wide crashes and performance issues. Furthermore, on-premise infrastructure has the advantages of LAN performance.

Many benefits are associated with cloud infrastructure as well. IT-as-a-Service allows organizations to take advantage of cloud technology without requiring in-house virtualization experts. Secondly, cloud models are scalable and flexible to fit a variety of IT requirements. The anytime, anywhere access is also a huge boost to productivity. And finally, with the cloud model you have off-site resilience for disaster recovery.

As mentioned earlier, education leaders face unique challenges that prevent complete cloud or complete on-premise solutions from being ideal setups. Education organizations cannot rely on a 100 percent cloud model because of data storage and data privacy concerns. Likewise, legacy systems and the lack of anytime, anywhere access make 100 percent on-premise setups not ideal either. With the hybrid approach, education technology leaders can have the best of both solutions and effectively meet their needs.

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