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2015 Tech Recap

As 2016 is just beginning, it is time to take a look back on the biggest trends (and flops) from 2015.

Apple Pay

As if the smartphone didn’t do enough already, it is also replacing the wallet in terms of credit/debit card payments. Apple Pay works by pressing the thumb to the phone above the payment terminal, transferring money directly from the user’s account. While the payment technology itself was not necessarily anything new, Apple Pay eliminates the need to open an app or enter a PIN making it easier and more convenient than any other payment service. Many retailers are currently making the switch to NFC (near-field communication) to accommodate the new method of payment.

Google Glass

January marked the official end of the Google Glass’ run. With less than stellar sales and privacy concerns at nearly every turn (even public banning in certain areas), Google pulled the product from shelves, promising a better version of Google Glass in the near future. While there is no doubting Google’s ability to create a quality gadget, Google Glass was not it.


This year, Fortune Magazine predicted as many as 1 million drones sold by Christmas of 2015. While UAVs (unmanned flying vehicles) have cause some safety concerns in the past, their sales are up exponentially since the drone hype skyrocketed last year. The FAA has released a new set of regulations regarding drones, requiring that all consumer drones be registered by February. The next step, according to Richard Doherty of Envisioneering Group: drones for the home.

Self-Driving Cars

Elon Musk has had quite the year. This year alone, Tesla introduced a $2,500 software upgrade that would facilitate semi-self-driving in Tesla vehicles. While hands-free vehicles aren’t expected to make an appearance for at least another 10-15 years, Tesla’s new technology will allow drivers more freedom while driving. Other auto manufacturers have also introduced more sensor-driven driving technology (think Ford and Audi), but none as extensive as Tesla’s.

The Hoverboard

One of the most talked about products of the year, hoverboards began as one of the trendiest gadgets of the year, especially popular among teenagers and on the red carpet. However, these self-balancing devices quickly gained all the wrong kinds of publicity after exploding hoverboards became a major safety hazard. They have since been banned from flights, online retailers, and even major cities.

If 2015 is any indication, we can only expect bigger, more advanced technology in the year to come. Stay tuned for up-to-date news from Aventis Systems on the biggest tech innovations throughout 2016.