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Review of Veeam Products

In today’s plugged-in world, business data is growing rapidly. And with that growth, comes the opportunity to use that data to better understand business trends and customer needs to make more sound business decisions. This is happening concurrently with the growing importance of virtualization, which allows organizations to operate with increased flexibility and efficiency, adding new server resources as needed to manage that data, without having to make expensive, inefficient infrastructure investments.

With big data and virtualization emerging as key business trends around the same time, it's no wonder that many organizations are searching for a solution to help them protect and manage the data they store on their virtualized systems. In this post, we'll take a look at Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Backup Essentials, two offerings that help meet the data protection needs of modern organizations.

Veeam Backup & Replication

One of the conundrums posed by the modern data-centric business world is the fact that although there is more business data available than ever before, that data is essentially useless if it’s inaccessible. Organizations need to ensure that their data is available whenever it’s needed, and data loss is simply not an option.

Veeam Backup & Replication aims to address this issue by providing what the company deems “Availability for the Modern Data Center.” The product boasts data loss avoidance and high-speed recovery: in addition to using offsite data protection methods to ensure that data is never lost, the product is also able to keep recovery time objectives (RTOs) under 15 minutes, ensuring that even temporary data outages won’t last long.

Veeam B&R is also simple to deploy and use. It can support multiple hypervisors, including both VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V. In addition, it is storage-agnostic, allowing you to choose the storage technology that best meets the specific needs of your organization. Veeam B&R also has the ability to scale easily, allowing it to keep pace with the growth of your company. It is scalable beyond 6 CPUs with no maximum number of sockets allowing virtual environments to grow.

Finally, advanced features like data deduplication and compression are available out of the box with Veeam, ensuring you’re backing up your data in the most efficient way possible, without implementing additional solutions to do so.

Veeam Backup Essentials

Veeam Backup Essentials provides all of the backup and replication capabilities described above, in a package that is designed specifically with small and midsize businesses in mind. This allows SMBs to get enterprise-level data protection while also maximizing their limited budgets. Veeam Backup Essentials does not offer the same level of scalability provided by Veeam Backup & Recovery. It is specifically packaged for SMBs with virtual environments of 6 CPUs or less, meaning that organizations planning a dramatic expansion in the near future might prefer to choose Veeam B&R instead. However, both solutions are able to provide the same level of data protection needed in today's virtualized world, and SMBs that do not foresee expanding beyond three servers will appreciate the lower price-point of Veeam Backup Essentials

Perhaps most noteworthy is the fact that Veeam solutions are built specifically to use in virtualized environments. If your organization runs or is planning to run a virtualized environment, there’s no reason you should try to adapt a solution aimed at physical server environments when Veeam does so effortlessly.

Interested in learning more about Veeam or protecting the data in your virtualized environments? Aventis Systems is here to help. Contact us today to get started.