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Finding the Right Automated Cloud Backup Solution

Finding the Right Automated Cloud Backup Solution

When it comes to your business, data is everything.

Today’s companies have more data than ever. Effectively, securely managing and protecting it is one of an IT department’s most important jobs. Yet, many companies still don’t have an automated cloud backup solution in place for their mission-critical data. The ones that do, haven’t checked it in years.

Still others perform manual backups that are inconsistent and incomplete.

As the primary contact responsible for the administration, configuration and management of your company’s network, ensuring that critical data is properly backed up, protected and easily accessed ultimately falls on you.

What would happen to the business if critical data were lost or destroyed? How reliable and secure is your current backup solution? Is your business flirting with disaster when it comes to your mission-critical data?

Safety in the Cloud

Businesses rely on all kinds of data for their day-to-day operations. Access to customer information such as order and payment history is a critical part of everyday operations. If this data is unavailable — or even worse, permanently lost or destroyed — the business suffers in the form of unexpected downtime, lost productivity, poor customer service, missed orders, billing mistakes and more.

Companies need a reliable backup solution. In fact, the best practice is to have two backups for your data — one onsite and one in the cloud. Yet, statistics show that most small to mid-sized companies with fewer than 25 employees typically don’t have a reliable backup solution in place at all. Or, they rely on some type of software to backup their hardware rather than backing up to the cloud.

In addition to being unreliable, traditional backup solutions can also be expensive because you have to constantly buy additional storage and devices.

The threat of losing data that wasn’t properly backed up is very real! Almost 50% of companies report experiencing partial or complete data loss with traditional backup solutions. In some cases, lost data is never recovered.

Automatic cloud backup solutions enable businesses to keep their data safe at a secure, offsite location, so they are ready no matter what kind of disaster strikes — whether it’s a security breach, a system outage or even a natural disaster like a devastating hurricane.

Data loss can strike anywhere, at any time. Important files get accidentally deleted, viruses ravage networks and system-wide power failures damage hardware and operating systems. If and when disaster strikes, the backup of critical data becomes paramount.

With data being constantly and automatically backed up online to various cloud servers, companies have access to their critical information and stored data at any time, from any location and from any device. All that’s required is access to the internet..

Data backed up in the cloud is stored on encrypted servers in highly secure data centers, ensuring that all your company’s data and information is completely safe. Automatic features make it easy to ensure your backup is current and recovery is in real-time

Data is automatically backed up at certain pre-established times, so system administrators and IT departments don’t have to manually keep track or set reminders. In addition, set-up and installation are quick and easy.

Choosing a Cloud Backup Provider

Reliable automatic cloud backup solutions don’t have to be expensive to be effective.

When choosing a provider, be sure to read the fine print. Some of the bigger players such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) charge every time you need to recover your data. Also, ask where your data will be stored. Make sure the data center is secure and not outsourced, which can sometimes cause complications when you need quick technical support.

Aventis Systems does not charge customers for automated recovery, a benefit that can save your organization thousands of dollars or more, depending on the type of data being stored. All our customers’ data is backed up to our secure datacenter, which is run 100% by Aventis. We specialize in data backup and protection and do not outsource any of our backup activities.

We provide customers with the very best data protection, including state-of-the-art security, encryption and disaster recovery, so you can focus on the daily operations of your business. And as your backup storage needs grow, we grow with you.

Aventis can handle your entire automated cloud backup infrastructure for you remotely, and if you ever need to contact us or for technical support, you won’t be routed through an offshore call center. Our experts are just a phone call away and are ready to assess your server and storage needs to develop an automated cloud backup infrastructure that’s right for your organization.

To learn more about automated cloud backup solutions and how we can help you keep your business running smoothly without interruption, call us today at 1-855-AVENTIS.